



不过后来在两人在伦敦街头闲逛时,博士干了一件作死的事——不但没修好时间旅行相关功能,他还手一抖把translation circuit也给搞坏了。于是玫瑰一个没防备,德国人的身份就被发现了,还因此被几个街头混混揍了。泰迪自然当仁不让地为玫瑰打了一架。回到家后玫瑰坐在客厅由着泰迪帮忙包扎,而战后这几年一直四处留情不甘心安定下来的泰迪盯着来自未来的金发青年,觉得突然想明白了什么。至于到底想明白了什么,在那一晚之后他再也没有过时间去考虑。

It was, Teddy had decided, truly a terrible idea to get all drunk and tipsy with the West German time traveler you had just rescued from London street gangsters and bandaged up. But he didn't let that stop them.


He was sitting in his own living room, mildly intoxicated and bleary-eyed, casually smacking the hands of the giggling blond West German sitting across from him off of his knees without giving the significance of the presence of those hands in that particular location too much of a thought, when something clicked inside him. Decades later when he recalled that moment, in his mind he envisioned a house of cards falling down, a sand castle being wiped out by rising tides, or a formidable-looking marble fortress tumbling down in flames - something like that, something befitting Jürgen the giggling West German: something majestic and surreptitious and earth-shuttering.


In the middle of smacking those hands off of his knees, Teddy changed his mind and grabbed those hands instead. He looked at the West German who, as if he had sensed the sudden shifting atmosphere in the living room, had now stopped giggling. This time traveler who somehow got him in the middle of 1950s London where nobody else did (and the law didn't, either, mind you,) - who also happened to have mesmerizing blue eyes and very distracting unruly blond hair which suddenly made so much sense to him at that moment, in that split-second that felt like it would never end -


He had imagined, on a regular basis during the past several months Jürgen had been staying with him, how it would feel to have all that glorious blond hair tangled around his fingers. He wondered why he kept forgetting that.


"Jürgen -"he stammered, " - I could very well be mad - and I've never been with -but - "


It was the deceptively innocent - and mildly confused - look that did it. Of course Jürgen knew what he was trying to say, what with him being a time-traveler and being from a much more enlightened time and all that. And yet Jürgen said nothing. He just stayed perfectly still and waited for his next move, head slightly tilted, delighted anticipation beaming in steely blue eyes -


And the next thing he knew was that their lips met (and all that glorious blond hair was actually tangled around his fingers now - and It felt spectacular).


"It's ok, Teddy, don't worry," the time traveler whispered against his lips, a little breathlessly, his voice a tad higher-pitched than usual, "I'll show you…"




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